Thursday, July 7, 2011

Potty Training

We have begun an attempt at potting training this week. It has not been successful at all. Ayden refuses to go on the potty. Mrs. Su has tried all of her 15 years experience to get him to go with no success. He will actually hold it all day long. No matter how many times you put him on the potty or how long he sits, rewards do not work either. He just does not want to do it. It is hard working all day and coming home to trying to get him to go on the potty. I am praying that at some point soon he gets it. We will see....

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Exciting Days

Things have been pretty exciting for us around our family. Courtney and Pat (Phill's sister and her husband) have adopted 2 little boys from Rwanda Africa. It has been amazing and inspiring to be apart of this wonderful adventure. We are on the edge of our seats waiting out these last 4 days until we get to see them ALL arrive back from their 3 weeks away! We are having a lot of fun back here in the states sharing in their blog, talking and planning the welcome home at the airport :-) We love all of them and can not wait to hug each one. Thanks to everyone who has been praying for their trip. Please continue to pray as they now embark on their final days and trip home. We love you Cassada family and can not wait to see you again!!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

A Glorious Day

Today is a Glorious Day in HIS image and likeness :-) Today in Rwanda Phill's sister and her family finalized their adoption of Lincoln and Levi Cassada. We are so overwhelmed with joy and gladness for this precious day!! They have been on this journey for over 2 years and to see it all unfold is a true blessing from the LORD!! We are so blessed to be a part of this wonderful revelation of the Lords power! We love you Courtney & Pat!!!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Finally Friday

So happy that it is finally Friday!! Looking forward to a weekend spent with family. Tomorrow we are going to Reston Bible Church to help at Pat & Courtney's Stop Hunger Now event. Can't wait to make a difference:-) Soccer Games for Britt both Saturday and Sunday should be fun. Life is so busy but we love enjoying our time together!!

Monday, April 18, 2011

4 more days....

....Before we get to head to PA to see my family :-) I am sooo excited!! I LOVE being home more than anything, yes I call it home, I think I always will. We are gathering at my Aunt Pam & Uncle Bill's house. We love getting together there. They built their own home on top of a mountain and have a LOT of land. There is enough room for the kids to run around for hours. And enough space inside for everyone to gather together for an amazing time. We will celebrate March Birthdays and Easter all in the same weekend. Can't wait for it to get here!!!

Friday, April 15, 2011

It's Over

The stress of the week is over. I accomplished a lot this week at work. Have a lot left to do starting Monday however I am proud of the fact that I was able to complete several things on my check list :-)

So happy the weekend is here. Looking forward to spending it with my family!!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Stressed Out - Please Grant Me Peace

I am stressed out so much today. Someday's are easier than others. I try to stay positive and remain happy at all times but it can be hard and stress me out more at times. It is hard to do it all. Work full time managing people and work and answering to all of the requests coming down to you every day, manage a home full time, 3 kids, soccer, dinner, cleaning, laundry oh did I mention soccer, soccer, soccer, school functions, helping the kids with their homework, keeping up with a toddler, trying to bring this toddler up in the right way, he is 2 and tests the limits, is strong willed and loving all at the same time. Also add into the mix grocery shopping squeezed into the kids schedules, yard work (I just want to have time to plant flowers and that is just not working out), spring cleaning, painting, picking up from events, dropping off at events, and being a support of others in their times of need and crisis since I know He has placed me in all that is happening for a reason; His reason!

I am a full time working mother of 3, I work because I have to work, not because I want to work. I wish more than anything I didn't HAVE to work. I pray about His choice in my life. I know my life is exactly as He plans, but I do not always want to live it exactly as He has chosen. My life has not been easy by any sense of the word.
I know I should focus on the positive. I am thankful for ALL the HE has given me in life. I know I have plenty to be thankful for. I have been blessed with 3 healthy children, the most loving and patient and excepting husband in the world (not too many guys who grew up as my husband did, "pretty awesome" in his words, would be able to just open their heart and arms to a ready made family at 22 years old). We are all healthy. We both have good jobs. I do appreciate all of the blessings in my life. I just feel like is it all worth it? I bring home stress, I am short with the kids and Phill on some days. I have always struggled with carrying things with me. I can't just "let go" of things. It is who I am. I hate that about my emotional side.

My prayer every morning on my ride into work is for God to grant me peace in all that I am required to do. I remind myself that everything happens in His time, not my time. I get that but it doesn't make it any easier in the moment.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Just another Monday - or is it

Today is a beautiful day, it's 84 and sunny with no humidity. I ran a mile at work today outside around the trail. It felt so good. I love running outside. It has been so rainy since the temperature became high enough for it not to snow. I have been so down about it raining all the time. The rain has delayed soccer practice and games for my girls. I should be happy that I don't have to run all over creation and spend more money on gas. However that means that the girls are held up inside and are not so happy. Today they can kick the soccer ball outside and get out some energy that has been storing up inside. Today it is not raining :-) So it's not the same Monday that is has been ~ It is a spring Monday & I'm so very happy that it is!!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Finally the Weekend

The week was long. Work has been tough. My boss of the past 5 years retired Friday, I got promoted into his position so that is a plus. It is strange because I didn't think I would be effected by him leaving but I was sad. You get used to having the people around you at work everyday, they become like another family to you. So this is an adjustment in my life. I am excite about the change for me personally but he was my sounding board so it is going to be a very different world come Monday.

I am happy to have this weekend at home enjoying the kids and Phill. I got to go to the Third Day concert last night. It was amazing!! A couple from our small group had an extra ticket and asked me to go along. It kicked off the weekend just the way I needed it to. Keeping me centered in Him and appreciating all that I have been blessed with!!

Happy Weekend everyone ~ Make is a GREAT one!!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Small Group Needs

We meet every Monday night with our small group. They have quickly become like family to us. There are 7 amazing couples with pretty wonderful children. We learn together, laugh together and support one another. It breaks my heart that one of the couples is going through a very troubling time. They are in GREAT need of prayers. We are not sure what the future for their family holds however we ask that you please keep them in your prayers. Their names are Kendra & Tom and their daughter Parker. My heart is breaking for their situation and I pray that God guides me in the way he wishes for me to support them.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Hump Day

Today was a busy day at work. It flew by and I still have a ton of work on my desk for tomorrow... Hoping everyday goes by fast so Friday is here soon! Phill and Britt are excited about going to the basketball game tomorrow. Thanks Alden & Dorian for making it possible. I am planning on taking Andrea & Ayden out for a bit I think since they will not be getting home until bedtime. Looking forward to sitting and relaxing with my wonderful husband tonight. I will post pictures soon.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Forever Friday

I am so happy it is finally Friday!! The weeks seem to take so long and it is forever until Friday gets here again. It is so wonderful to be done with the week and ready to hang out with my wonderful husband and kids :-) Oh happy day!!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Remember the Rain

Rain it is. Today is a rainy day. I always liked rain growing up. I used to run in the rain when I was little. It was simple, peaceful and just plain fun. I would run with my friends in the neighborhood for hours. We would find the deepest puddles that we could and we would run, jump and splash in them. Oh to be a kid again. Carefree and free to get wet and dirty and not worry about a thing. No worries about the fact that you would track water through the house or that there would be more laundry to do. No worries about anything other than trying to catch rain drops on your tongue and spinning in circles with your arms stretched out feeling the rain drops hit your face. Sometimes we forget what it was like to be a kid. For today I will have no worries, I am going to sit with my wonderful kids, enjoying the small things and remembering what it felt like to be a kid running in the rain!!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Family wishes

Family ~ It has always been such an important part of my life however I feel like something is missing. I have an amazing husband and wonderful children who I LOVE spending time with!! Don't get me wrong I appreciate them very much, I just feel like I am missing a piece of something.

My extended family is all so far away and I am sad that I don't have as much time with them as I would if I lived back home. My Mom is amazing and we talk as much as we can. We try to travel to see each other whenever we can. I just find that I am longing for something that I may never have. I have sisters, who I met when I was almost an adult. We didn't grow up together, we don't have that same bond and the situation with our biological father just make things difficult. I wish I had a sister to bond with. I feel so sad sometimes that I don't have that. Lately I really just feel alone. When my cousin Mandy lived here it was the closest I ever felt a "sister like" bond with someone. We loved being together, bringing our kids together to grow up together, Cousins & Friends. I feel like we are all missing out on something special. It makes my heart sad. We planned trips together, we wanted our kids to have one another and to spend time together (not just because it was a holiday or birthday). It was nice to have time together just because we wanted to be together :-)

I long to move back to PA and have an on going sister bond with someone. I want to have girl talks and visits just because we want to be together. I long for fun shopping trips even when we don't have to buy anything. I feel like staying in Virginia I will just lose this dream ~ forever! I try hard not to think about it, stay distracted and busy, however these days it is consuming me.