Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Family wishes

Family ~ It has always been such an important part of my life however I feel like something is missing. I have an amazing husband and wonderful children who I LOVE spending time with!! Don't get me wrong I appreciate them very much, I just feel like I am missing a piece of something.

My extended family is all so far away and I am sad that I don't have as much time with them as I would if I lived back home. My Mom is amazing and we talk as much as we can. We try to travel to see each other whenever we can. I just find that I am longing for something that I may never have. I have sisters, who I met when I was almost an adult. We didn't grow up together, we don't have that same bond and the situation with our biological father just make things difficult. I wish I had a sister to bond with. I feel so sad sometimes that I don't have that. Lately I really just feel alone. When my cousin Mandy lived here it was the closest I ever felt a "sister like" bond with someone. We loved being together, bringing our kids together to grow up together, Cousins & Friends. I feel like we are all missing out on something special. It makes my heart sad. We planned trips together, we wanted our kids to have one another and to spend time together (not just because it was a holiday or birthday). It was nice to have time together just because we wanted to be together :-)

I long to move back to PA and have an on going sister bond with someone. I want to have girl talks and visits just because we want to be together. I long for fun shopping trips even when we don't have to buy anything. I feel like staying in Virginia I will just lose this dream ~ forever! I try hard not to think about it, stay distracted and busy, however these days it is consuming me.

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