Monday, April 11, 2011

Just another Monday - or is it

Today is a beautiful day, it's 84 and sunny with no humidity. I ran a mile at work today outside around the trail. It felt so good. I love running outside. It has been so rainy since the temperature became high enough for it not to snow. I have been so down about it raining all the time. The rain has delayed soccer practice and games for my girls. I should be happy that I don't have to run all over creation and spend more money on gas. However that means that the girls are held up inside and are not so happy. Today they can kick the soccer ball outside and get out some energy that has been storing up inside. Today it is not raining :-) So it's not the same Monday that is has been ~ It is a spring Monday & I'm so very happy that it is!!

1 comment:

Alden and Dorian said...

Good job for running Christy! AND....yes, isn't it beauteeeeful outside today! :)