Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Stressed Out - Please Grant Me Peace

I am stressed out so much today. Someday's are easier than others. I try to stay positive and remain happy at all times but it can be hard and stress me out more at times. It is hard to do it all. Work full time managing people and work and answering to all of the requests coming down to you every day, manage a home full time, 3 kids, soccer, dinner, cleaning, laundry oh did I mention soccer, soccer, soccer, school functions, helping the kids with their homework, keeping up with a toddler, trying to bring this toddler up in the right way, he is 2 and tests the limits, is strong willed and loving all at the same time. Also add into the mix grocery shopping squeezed into the kids schedules, yard work (I just want to have time to plant flowers and that is just not working out), spring cleaning, painting, picking up from events, dropping off at events, and being a support of others in their times of need and crisis since I know He has placed me in all that is happening for a reason; His reason!

I am a full time working mother of 3, I work because I have to work, not because I want to work. I wish more than anything I didn't HAVE to work. I pray about His choice in my life. I know my life is exactly as He plans, but I do not always want to live it exactly as He has chosen. My life has not been easy by any sense of the word.
I know I should focus on the positive. I am thankful for ALL the HE has given me in life. I know I have plenty to be thankful for. I have been blessed with 3 healthy children, the most loving and patient and excepting husband in the world (not too many guys who grew up as my husband did, "pretty awesome" in his words, would be able to just open their heart and arms to a ready made family at 22 years old). We are all healthy. We both have good jobs. I do appreciate all of the blessings in my life. I just feel like is it all worth it? I bring home stress, I am short with the kids and Phill on some days. I have always struggled with carrying things with me. I can't just "let go" of things. It is who I am. I hate that about my emotional side.

My prayer every morning on my ride into work is for God to grant me peace in all that I am required to do. I remind myself that everything happens in His time, not my time. I get that but it doesn't make it any easier in the moment.

1 comment:

Alden and Dorian said...

Oh yes Christy ~ your life is FULL and I appreciate it. You are in some of the busiest, craziest times of your life. Yet...one of the BEST times of life. Take it one day at a time...keep seeking God's guidance and strength and KNOW we love you over here and are always praying for you.