Saturday, April 2, 2011

Finally the Weekend

The week was long. Work has been tough. My boss of the past 5 years retired Friday, I got promoted into his position so that is a plus. It is strange because I didn't think I would be effected by him leaving but I was sad. You get used to having the people around you at work everyday, they become like another family to you. So this is an adjustment in my life. I am excite about the change for me personally but he was my sounding board so it is going to be a very different world come Monday.

I am happy to have this weekend at home enjoying the kids and Phill. I got to go to the Third Day concert last night. It was amazing!! A couple from our small group had an extra ticket and asked me to go along. It kicked off the weekend just the way I needed it to. Keeping me centered in Him and appreciating all that I have been blessed with!!

Happy Weekend everyone ~ Make is a GREAT one!!


Alden and Dorian said...

How fun that you got to go to the concert! GREAT way to start your weekend. I'll be praying for you as you head to work tomorrow ~ I know it will be different. Love you Christy.

Christy -N- Phill said...

Love you too and all of your encouragement!!