Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Small Group Needs

We meet every Monday night with our small group. They have quickly become like family to us. There are 7 amazing couples with pretty wonderful children. We learn together, laugh together and support one another. It breaks my heart that one of the couples is going through a very troubling time. They are in GREAT need of prayers. We are not sure what the future for their family holds however we ask that you please keep them in your prayers. Their names are Kendra & Tom and their daughter Parker. My heart is breaking for their situation and I pray that God guides me in the way he wishes for me to support them.


Courtney said...

will definitely pray for them! and YOU as you walk them through this.

Alden and Dorian said...

We are so thankful you found this amazing group of friends. We'll be praying for your couple that is struggling. God will direct you Christy.

P.S. Love your new blog site!!!! Good job!