Friday, November 12, 2010

I'm Back

Ok so I know I have not been on here since I was pregnant. We had the website for a while which was great and once Ayden turned 1 we decided we would no longer keep it. I enjoy reading everyone else's blog's so I figured it was about time that I got back to our families posts. Things are busy these days (not much change there). The girls are finishing up soccer for the fall and getting ready for winter indoor soccer :-) So exciting for them, so busy for me! Andrea will be 13 next month, welcome teen years x2. I am bracing myself for it. Brittany is actively involved in a lot of school activities and is very involved in her small group from Church and enjoys spending time with her friends from church as well. She is such a joy in our lives!! Ayden is all over the place. He is such a "boy". I never knew what that truly meant until now!! He loves cars and balls, running and jumping and getting into everything. He hates to be dirty, which is about the only thing which is not "boy" about him. He is such a blessing to all of us! He will keep Phill and I young for sure. I will have to be sure to post some pictures soon :-)

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