Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Our Anniversary

Today we are celebrating our 3 year wedding anniversary. The time has passed by so quickly. It seems like only yesterday we were getting ready for the big day, all the excitement of planning and registering and celebrating. The wedding was such an amazing event itself with all of the people who we love so very much and the memories that we were blessed enough to make. Now sitting here thinking back to that day it is so exciting for us and to think that we are once again planning and registering and celebrating the next big event in our lives.... Our very first baby! We are so very blessed to have been given this gift. We will spend the day home from work, so exciting, just enjoying one another and remembering that incredible part of our life. We plan on going out to dinner tonight, just the two of us. (Thanks Mandy) We will remember each of you today and the part you played in the memories of June 25, 2005!

1 comment:

Alden and Dorian said...

Happy Anniversary you two! Oh yes, what a wonderful day that was 3 years ago ~ just incredibly fun and special. So glad you took the day off and had a good day together. We love you! Mom