Sunday, July 13, 2008

Our Beach Trip 2008

Here are some photo's from our beach trip to the outerbanks.

First stop is the farmers market.

Now we are off to the beach!

Mandy & Jake at Dinner, then off to golf.

Toasting Marshmallow's.... What fun!!

A Night out to Tale of the Whale... Our favorite place to eat!

Final Stop....Go Carts!


Kim said...

what fun can't wait to go. Looks like you all had a great time. Loved the pictures. everyone looks great. Christy you look you all aunt kim

Courtney said...

looks like you guys had a GREAT time! :-)

Alden and Dorian said...

Yay...I've been waiting for these! What fantastic pictures of such a fun time. I loved seeing everyone and LOVED your family pictures! Thanks for sharing them with us. :) Love you all.