Monday, September 15, 2008

New Baby Site

OK, as you all know we have been tracking our pregnancy in our online pregnancy journel and I know everyone is wondering what happened to our journal entries. Well my wonderful husband decided that he really wanted something that could continue with the baby after he is born. Soooo, with that said, he has now developed an actual web page for our new bundle of joy. I have moved my entire journal over to the new web page for all of you to enjoy. It also contains family pages, photo albums with the ability for you all to add pictures and save them to your PC, fun polls and quizes (please be sure to give us your input) and also our baby registry info along with any events that we may have. I am replacing the link above the ticker with the new website link. This will be Aydens own personal page once he is born, complete with his first pictures, polls for us to use in making choices (check them out they are fun) and many more fun things to watch him grow. The web addresss is Enjoy it please! Don't forget to sign the guest book.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Dad & Daughter's Fishing Date

Andrea has been showing an interest in fishing since the spring. Yesterday morning Phill took the morning off of work and he scheduled a "Fishing Date" with Andrea. It was so much fun. They got their poles ready Monday night and set off first thing Tuesday morning for Burke Lake. It was an amazing time for the both of them. He is such an amazing Daddy. He just continues to bring such amazement and joy to our family. What a blessing. Here are some pictures from that day.

What an amazing time of bonding and fun for Daddy & Daughter!!

Monday, July 14, 2008


We have posted pictures to our pregnancy journal from a photo shoot Phill took me on this weekend. The link to our journal is above the baby ticker on the left side of this blog. Enjoy.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Our Beach Trip 2008

Here are some photo's from our beach trip to the outerbanks.

First stop is the farmers market.

Now we are off to the beach!

Mandy & Jake at Dinner, then off to golf.

Toasting Marshmallow's.... What fun!!

A Night out to Tale of the Whale... Our favorite place to eat!

Final Stop....Go Carts!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Our Anniversary

Today we are celebrating our 3 year wedding anniversary. The time has passed by so quickly. It seems like only yesterday we were getting ready for the big day, all the excitement of planning and registering and celebrating. The wedding was such an amazing event itself with all of the people who we love so very much and the memories that we were blessed enough to make. Now sitting here thinking back to that day it is so exciting for us and to think that we are once again planning and registering and celebrating the next big event in our lives.... Our very first baby! We are so very blessed to have been given this gift. We will spend the day home from work, so exciting, just enjoying one another and remembering that incredible part of our life. We plan on going out to dinner tonight, just the two of us. (Thanks Mandy) We will remember each of you today and the part you played in the memories of June 25, 2005!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Ready for the weekend.

We are so happy that the weekend has arrived. The past few weeks have been wonderful. Andrea finished up soccer with a win of the championship, it was last weekend in the 100 degree weather which was a challange but with lots of tents, water, wet wash clothes and parents armed with spray bottles we managed through it. Two games, hot hot days and one amazing win. I am so proud and happy for her. The girls finished up school for the summer yesterday. So nice!! The girls have begun their daily ritual of hanging at the pool with their friends. They have grown up so fast it is hard to believe. Brittany had her first sleep over two weekends ago. That was so much fun. It was the sleep over for her birthday back in March since it was basketball and she was on all stars she was never able to have her big 13th sleepover so we waited until the pool opened to have it. It was amazing to be a part of and watch. She has made such wonderful friends. I am very proud of the young lady she has become. I continue to update the baby journal often. Things are going great. Please log onto our journal for updates. We have posted our new ultrasound picture from Monday. The baby now looks like a baby, amazing to see!! I also added a baby ticker to count down to the birth both here & on our journal. (Thanks Courtney)

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Back to the swing of things

OK I know it has been forever since I posted on here. We have been going through somethings which have been filling our lives. We found out in April that we are expecting a baby. This news was so very exciting for us since we had been trying for 10 months. No sooner did we find out that we were expecting I started spotting which continued up until last Friday. It has been a roller coaster for us so we have just really been focusing on the baby and praying for things to go well. We did start an online pregnancy journal which we would like to share with all of you. The link and all the information for what has been going on is

I hope each of you will continue to check back on how things are going through our pregnancy. We have our first ultrasound picture posted there as well.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Catch Up

Well it has been a while since I have been on the blog and I am sorry for those who have been waiting. It seems that like is just so busy and that when you work and have kids you have little time to blog. Since my last post we have enjoyed Brittany's turning 13, what a wonderful time this has been. She is just growing into the most amazing young lady. We enjoyed a George Mason Game, Brittany completed a regular season of Basketball and was picked for the All-Star team. Phill was the assistant coach, such a wonderful thing for the both of them. They both really love Basketball. We just ended the season in time for Andrea to start Soccer. She is playing with the same girls that she has played with for the past two years and she is very excited about that. As most of you are aware Phill and I have been trying to have a baby since July of last year. I recently completed all of my testing and I have been given a bill of great health for baby. It has been very hard and trying but our spirits are up. We continue to pray and seeks God's love and support in our journey. We currently have a few family and friends who have been blessed and are expecting. We are excited and happy for each of them, however it does become hard at times to be reminded of what we have yet to be blessed with. We have decided to take almost every one's advise and take a month or two off from ovulation test kits, calendars and temperatures and see if just relaxing will work better. In the mean time it is easier to stay clear of anything baby for a while. (We were so excited about the idea that we started looking at everything baby at stores and online, yes Phill too. He is amazed with all of the strollers out there. Guess that is kinda like being into cars in the baby world, smiles.) Please keep us in your prayers through this time of our life. We will continue to trust in His Will. With keeping in relaxing and taking our minds off of babies, we are looking forward to landscaping our front yard. We plan on taking out the small evergreen trees on either side of our front porch and putting in some flowers. This will be exciting and will keep our minds occupied.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

My Birthday

Wow "32" today. It is amazing to me how quickly the year has gone by. I woke this morning to my wonderful husband wishing me a Happy Birthday. It was a much needed make me smile since I had to venture out into the icy world. Boy it was a challenge to get my car cleared off however once it was cleared no problems. I am going to celebrate today at work with my co-workers who all brought in dishes for a luncheon. I am so grateful for each one of them. Tonight I am actually doing what I LOVE to do cooking a big meal for my family. They are the best gift that God has ever given me and making them happy is really all that I need. Tonight should prove to be just a nice relaxing night at home. To each of you reading this You are my gift and I am thankful for you. I will leave each of you with my thought of the day while I am celebrating God's love: "You saw me before I was born and scheduled each day of my life before I began to breathe. Every day was recorded in your book!" (Psalm 139:16) God made me for a reason and planned the days of my life. Today I send praise to His plan for me and each of you who God placed into his plan for my life. I love you all, God Bless!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Too Busy

We enjoyed our weekend; although it was very busy it ended with us watching the Super Bowl, which was an amazing game. It was the first time we sat all weekend. It was much needed. I have two meetings at the girls’ schools this week, always busy times during the week. Phill continues to run every evening and watch his diet. I sure wish I had the drive that he does. By the time I have time to myself each day I am way too tired to run. However I am so proud of him. He really feels great and I love that!! It would be so much easier to have time if I was home more then I am away at work. Crazy how that works. Oh well, I will push through it as always. Maybe things will calm down for the coming weekend, we will see.

Thursday, January 24, 2008


Last evening we learned that a dear friend of Phill's family, Buddy, passed away from brain cancer. While this is a sad time for those who knew and loved him, it is a glorious day for Buddy who has gone on to spend eternity with the Lord. I have been reading his blog and have been inspired by their Faith which held their family together through this most difficult time in their lives. Even through the darkest of storms their Faith never wavered. It is amazing and inspirational to learn of the Power of The Lord in their family. They have become an inspiration to me. Seeing the strength the Lord has given their family will strengthen our Faith within our own family. Hearing Phill speak of Buddy and his family has warmed my heart. I know because Buddy and his family were a part of his life, they helped to form the wonderful Man, Husband & Father he has become. Today we pray for the Wood family and reflect and appreciate our own family. Everyone gets busy and caught up in life. We must take time to spend with those who mean the most to us and will be there until the end, Our Family. We are all here in His time and must cherish the prized moments which He allows each of us to have together. I am ever grateful that the Lord has given us a most precious and wonderful gift in each member of Our Family. We love each of you so very much.