Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Too Busy

We enjoyed our weekend; although it was very busy it ended with us watching the Super Bowl, which was an amazing game. It was the first time we sat all weekend. It was much needed. I have two meetings at the girls’ schools this week, always busy times during the week. Phill continues to run every evening and watch his diet. I sure wish I had the drive that he does. By the time I have time to myself each day I am way too tired to run. However I am so proud of him. He really feels great and I love that!! It would be so much easier to have time if I was home more then I am away at work. Crazy how that works. Oh well, I will push through it as always. Maybe things will calm down for the coming weekend, we will see.

1 comment:

Alden and Dorian said...

Yay ~ I love seeing that you have put up a new post. It is so fun hearing about your every day lives. The Super Bowl game was GREAT, wasn't it! I'm glad you all got to really enjoy it and relax together. Good job Phill for keeping up with your running and diet. You have motivated me to start exercising again and eat better. I'm so proud of you. Christy, hang in there and enjoy each day! Love you guys.