Thursday, July 7, 2011

Potty Training

We have begun an attempt at potting training this week. It has not been successful at all. Ayden refuses to go on the potty. Mrs. Su has tried all of her 15 years experience to get him to go with no success. He will actually hold it all day long. No matter how many times you put him on the potty or how long he sits, rewards do not work either. He just does not want to do it. It is hard working all day and coming home to trying to get him to go on the potty. I am praying that at some point soon he gets it. We will see....


Courtney said...

potty training is the WORST!!!! praying the light bulb goes off for him soon!

Alden and Dorian said...

Oh Christy, I am surprised. I thought he would take off with it. Keep trying.....he'll get it! You hang in there!