Saturday, May 24, 2008

Back to the swing of things

OK I know it has been forever since I posted on here. We have been going through somethings which have been filling our lives. We found out in April that we are expecting a baby. This news was so very exciting for us since we had been trying for 10 months. No sooner did we find out that we were expecting I started spotting which continued up until last Friday. It has been a roller coaster for us so we have just really been focusing on the baby and praying for things to go well. We did start an online pregnancy journal which we would like to share with all of you. The link and all the information for what has been going on is

I hope each of you will continue to check back on how things are going through our pregnancy. We have our first ultrasound picture posted there as well.


Alden and Dorian said...

Yay, Christy I was just getting on to change your blog address to the baby journal, but there you have it! I didn't want people to be missing your notes. Oh, how I loved Tim's note ~ precious and heartfelt. Have a good start to your week. Love you. Mom

Heather said...

Hi there! Hope you are both doing well. I loved your baby journal page. So exciting. Have a good rest of the week.

Christy -N- Phill said...

Thank you to the both of you. We love you very much and so appreciate what a wonderful family that this baby is going to be blessed with!!