Thursday, August 16, 2007

Growing up

So yesterday I took Brittany to get contacts for the very first time. She just loves them and did so well, no problems. She wanted to get them for middle school. Man they grow up so very fast. It seems like yesterday that she was starting Kindergarten for the first time and now she is going to middle school. She sure is turning out to be such a wonderful young lady, it makes me so very proud of her. I will be posting pictures soon of our vacation that we returned from. So check back.


Alden and Dorian said...

Yah Christy!!!!!!!!! You put up a new blog ~ I have been checking. Oh my, we're so proud of Brittany and her new contacts. That is GREAT! I know she will just love them. We can't wait to see your vacation pictures!!!!!!!!!!!! We love you.


Christy -N- Phill said...

Thanks for the comment, I am getting there with my Blog. Yes we are so excited for her!!! We love you back.
