Saturday, August 25, 2007

Daytona Beach & Seaworld 2007

Our Trip in Pictures......
Daytona Beach, the view laying out...
The place we lay our heads at night, Oceanwalk Resort, Amazing!!Just wanting to get to the beach or the pool, we are ready!! Lazy river for Lazy days :-) Rock wall climbing across the street from our resort. Go Kart's anyone???
or how about some golf??
We had two mini golf courses right at our resort, what fun!!
I made that shot!!! Yay. I'm ready for the movie...Me too!! The "dive-In" movie, Grease. Loved it!!
The resort had two nights of this, great fun!!

Fireworks after the movie
To the beach the next afternoon. Lets hit some waves. Family Luau Night - Poolside Games, fun times!!While dining, we watched the shuttle launch.

….while dining at this restaurant, just the two of us.
The hotel had kid’s night for the parents to have a night out alone.
They watched the launch from the hotel penthouse roof deck!!

Another wonderful restaurant with a view of the water.
Our menus were custom made to say "Smith Family Vacation 2007".
A perk of our resort concierge service :-)

This was our view, what more could you ask for.....

Caviar for the lady, she loved it!!
It was on the salad bar, amazing.

We are at Seaworld now, boy is it hot!!!!

So we got much needed relief.
Shamu made a BIG splash, Look at these seats!

We were able to pet the dolphins. That was amazing!

And watch them perform. This was our favorite show of the day!!

Inside for the artic animals and some much needed cooling off.

It's time for dinner, we are going to see a show.

The Makahiki Luau Dinner show was so much fun and what beautiful outfits.

Awesome show and day at Seaworld!
"Thanks Mom & Dad" we heard over and over!!
It felt so good to spend this time together with our family!!

We are so very blessed to have had this opportunity to enjoy time together as a family, just the four of us. Those times are precious and we cherish them always!!
This was our first trip with just the four of us so it meant a great deal to us.
We are happy to be able to share this with all of you!!

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Growing up

So yesterday I took Brittany to get contacts for the very first time. She just loves them and did so well, no problems. She wanted to get them for middle school. Man they grow up so very fast. It seems like yesterday that she was starting Kindergarten for the first time and now she is going to middle school. She sure is turning out to be such a wonderful young lady, it makes me so very proud of her. I will be posting pictures soon of our vacation that we returned from. So check back.