Sunday, July 1, 2007

Home again

So we are back home again from our weekend in PA. It was a nice time for us to share with family that was not a holiday weekend. Those weekends are always so busy that we really do not have time to enjoy just being together. This was a nice change however it is nice to be home again!! Well here we go to another week of work. At least we have off on Wednesday for the 4th. So exciting. Good Night to you all.


Alden and Dorian said...

Thankful you had a fun time in PA. I understand what you mean enjoying it without the "holiday" attached ~ just fun and relaxing. We ended up going to Fayetteville at the last minute.....Cecil was put in the hospital. They have stabilized him and we will call you all with the details. Have a good week ahead ~ back to the routine. We love you. Mom

Christy -N- Phill said...

We will be praying for Cecil's recovery. Please tell them we send out love. Have a safe trip back. We love you too!! Christy & Phill