Friday, June 15, 2007

Catching Up

Well things have been so busy for us that I am finally able to get on here and post. I have been busy with my new position and taking all of the classes that I need and just really starting to dig into things. It has been very challenging however very much a rewarding part of my life. Brittany has "graduated" from elementary school this week. She is going to her end of the year party tonight bowling. It is amazing watching your little girl grow into such a lovely little lady. Happy and sad all rolled into one. Andrea finished soccer for the spring season. She was able to make new friends on the team and she really did a great job her first year. We are so happy that summer has arrived and look forward to the warm weather, BBQ's and Swimming. This is our most favorite time of the year!!

1 comment:

Alden and Dorian said...

Christy, it is so fun to read your post! Congratulations to Brittany and Andrea ~ we are so proud of you both. Yes, comes Summer 2007 ~ yipee! Love to you all ~ see you Sunday and can't wait. Love, Mom Smith