Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Back to the Grind

After such a wonderful weekend it sure is hard to get back into the swing of the work week!! You would think after three days in a row off of work it would be much easier then it is to get back to the grind. At least we only have three more days!!


Alden and Dorian said...

Christy, what fun that you have a blog! I love it! It will be so fun to stay in touch this way...and by the way...whenever you get to it, that is fine. That is the fun part....no pressure. I love that you put this together. I love all that you put on it.
Your weekend sounded awesome. We are having a really good time on our trip and CA is GREAT. We miss you guys. Love to all of you, Mom

Courtney said...

hey! my mom told me about your blog! i LOVE it! i love that picture of you two! i look forward to keeping up with you here! love you!