Thursday, May 31, 2007

Moved by Him

God spoke to me this morning while I was listening to my radio station, WGTS 91.9. They have been doing a fundraiser for three days and it has been tugging at my heart each morning that I can help them to make a difference in other peoples lives. Thinking about how easy it would be for someone to come across their station, hear the praises to the Lord and come to Him really moved me. I was compelled to donate to their fundraiser. My donation was small in the grand total of things however I feel so good about being able to help to support such a wonderful organization who works daily in His name. Today is a beautiful day!

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Back to the Grind

After such a wonderful weekend it sure is hard to get back into the swing of the work week!! You would think after three days in a row off of work it would be much easier then it is to get back to the grind. At least we only have three more days!!

Monday, May 28, 2007

Birthday Weekend

This seems like a great way to keep everyone updated and also stay in touch so I thought lets give it a try. Days are long for us and very involved so we will see how well I do with keeping up.

I am sitting here reflecting on our "long weekend", which is now at its third day. Wow how lucky I am to have such an amazing family!! It was Phill's birthday weekend and boy have we had a pleasurable time so far. We enjoyed time with Phill's Mom, Dad, his Brother Steve and Sister Hannah. We had such a good time with all of them. I could not be luckier then to have this wonderful family! We enjoyed great food and time together, who could ask for anything more? We enjoyed time with friends. They were all so nice to come by to see Phill for his Birthday celebration weekend. We went to the pool with the kids and even got to have ice cream from the Good Humor van, what a treat. This time was soooo much fun. Phill swam with the kids and I got to read my book, the water was a bit to cold for me. :-) It was then off to a birthday dinner at Bennigans, which made Phill very happy. We are now on day three and I am sure it is going to be a very nice one!