Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Exciting Days

Things have been pretty exciting for us around our family. Courtney and Pat (Phill's sister and her husband) have adopted 2 little boys from Rwanda Africa. It has been amazing and inspiring to be apart of this wonderful adventure. We are on the edge of our seats waiting out these last 4 days until we get to see them ALL arrive back from their 3 weeks away! We are having a lot of fun back here in the states sharing in their blog, talking and planning the welcome home at the airport :-) We love all of them and can not wait to hug each one. Thanks to everyone who has been praying for their trip. Please continue to pray as they now embark on their final days and trip home. We love you Cassada family and can not wait to see you again!!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

A Glorious Day

Today is a Glorious Day in HIS image and likeness :-) Today in Rwanda Phill's sister and her family finalized their adoption of Lincoln and Levi Cassada. We are so overwhelmed with joy and gladness for this precious day!! They have been on this journey for over 2 years and to see it all unfold is a true blessing from the LORD!! We are so blessed to be a part of this wonderful revelation of the Lords power! We love you Courtney & Pat!!!