Monday, April 7, 2008

Catch Up

Well it has been a while since I have been on the blog and I am sorry for those who have been waiting. It seems that like is just so busy and that when you work and have kids you have little time to blog. Since my last post we have enjoyed Brittany's turning 13, what a wonderful time this has been. She is just growing into the most amazing young lady. We enjoyed a George Mason Game, Brittany completed a regular season of Basketball and was picked for the All-Star team. Phill was the assistant coach, such a wonderful thing for the both of them. They both really love Basketball. We just ended the season in time for Andrea to start Soccer. She is playing with the same girls that she has played with for the past two years and she is very excited about that. As most of you are aware Phill and I have been trying to have a baby since July of last year. I recently completed all of my testing and I have been given a bill of great health for baby. It has been very hard and trying but our spirits are up. We continue to pray and seeks God's love and support in our journey. We currently have a few family and friends who have been blessed and are expecting. We are excited and happy for each of them, however it does become hard at times to be reminded of what we have yet to be blessed with. We have decided to take almost every one's advise and take a month or two off from ovulation test kits, calendars and temperatures and see if just relaxing will work better. In the mean time it is easier to stay clear of anything baby for a while. (We were so excited about the idea that we started looking at everything baby at stores and online, yes Phill too. He is amazed with all of the strollers out there. Guess that is kinda like being into cars in the baby world, smiles.) Please keep us in your prayers through this time of our life. We will continue to trust in His Will. With keeping in relaxing and taking our minds off of babies, we are looking forward to landscaping our front yard. We plan on taking out the small evergreen trees on either side of our front porch and putting in some flowers. This will be exciting and will keep our minds occupied.