Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Where did the year go?

So I know it has been a while for me to post a blog, sorry for that. We have been so busy and this year seems to have slipped away from us. Andrea finished up soccer just in time for Brittany to begin basketball. It was a great season for Andrea and her coach was wonderful. We are hoping that he is going to be coaching again next year since he did such a wonderful job. Brittany is on a team of all girls this year for the first time, no more co-ed and she is loving it. We are so excited for this phase of the girls' lives, it is so much fun!! We had a great Thanksgiving with Phill's family. It was such a blessing and wonderful to catch up with everyone. We missed all of you who were not able to attend. We are busy now getting ready for Christmas. This is such a wonderful time of the year. We are thinking of all of you during this time! I will post pictures soon:-)