Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Wisdom Teeth out and a bit wiser

So Friday I had the old wisdom tooth removal surgery. Going into this with much reassurance from all of my wonderful family and friends I thought it would be simple. No problems. Well let me say that it started out as expected, lots of rest Friday and Saturday and I expected to be turning the corner to the better side on Sunday. However this was not the case. It seemed that the pain was getting worse not better. Phill was wonderful and taking great care of me, the girls and the house so I knew it was not because I was pushing myself too fast or anything. I have a pretty high tolerance for pain as well so by Sunday night I just did not know how to get the pain to stop. Monday comes and there is no way I can make it to work. To top it off the Surgeon that I went to was very rude to Phill when he called and was the same with me a few hours later. He said there was no way that amount of pain was caused from the tooth, that he thought I was having a stroke and that Phill should take me to the ER. Can you believe this? I hang up in tears and end up talking with my regular dentist who wants to see me first thing in the morning. She tells me to double up my pain meds until then. I do and follow up this morning with her, she is amazing by the way. I go to a different oral surgeon to find out I have a dry socket, let me tell you all I am now the wiser to this condition, which is extremely painful. He fills in the socket with this medication and an hour later I feel so much better, exhausted from little sleep however the pain has now subsided!! Thank goodness for a caring dentist who actually listened and knew what was going on. So it looks like I am back to work tomorrow and I couldn't be any happier about that!!! I chalk this up as a lesson from which Phill and I are both a little bit wiser!!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

To help a Friend

A coworker of mine, April Mckee, is walking for a cure for brain cancer in October. She is walking along with her daughter in memory of her husband, Mack, who she lost in 2006 at age 27. I wanted to help by posting up her link for donations toward her walk. If you would like to donate please go to the site below and click Sponsor Us Now.


Tuesday, September 4, 2007

First Day of School

We are so excited to be starting our first day of school today!!
Brittany's first day of Middle School
Andrea's first day of Fourth Grade
They are growing up so fast. It is amazing and fun all at the same time!!
We love you both, have fun and be safe.
Dad (Phill) & Mom